Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tryon Palace Field Trip

In December, again the whole fourth grade went on a field trip.  This time we went to Tryon Palace in New Bern, NC.  It was the first capital of our state.  The students got to tour the governor's mansion and other original homes around the palace.  They got to pretend like they lived back in the time of Tryon Palace when they visited the Hay House.  Mr. and Mrs. Hay showed the students how they cooked and the students got to assist Mrs. Hay in making Christmas tree decorations out of dough.  Mr. Hay talked to them about some of the games his children liked to play and showed how stockings used to be hung on the stair rails.  Hanging them at the fireplace was much too dangerous!  We had a great time and brought back much information to share!

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